Before submitting tickets user has to be registered on our support portal,
Registration process is easy and straightforward.
- If you got an invite email from go straight to "activate your account" part of this document.
- If you did not get an invitation link from our team then:
In your browser open web page and click on “sign up” link
Figure 1: First step opening signup wizard
You will be presented with easy sign-up wizard. Fill the form with your full name and email address. You will have to type words in the blank field. If you cant recognize some of the characters you can hit refresh, and the new set of characters will load. After typing correct characters hit “Register”.
Figure 2: Fill in the form, your name and valid email address.
You will be redirected to “Home” page and will be presented with the information of sucessful l registration and reminder to verify your email address.
Figure 3: Info about successful registration.
To activate your account check your e-mail and open URL inside e-mail message.
Figure 4: Email verification link.
Opening the URL will lead you to final step of registration. Where you choose your password and fill your name once again. Hit “Activate & login”.
Figure 5: Entering desired password.
After hitting “Activate & login” confirmation of successful registration will be presented. And you will be logged in the support portal.
Figure 6: Account activated.